Monday, 10 February 2014

Hotplates- another cooking appliance

Since time immemorial food has been an important part of human activity. Food is an integral part of any celebration, occasion which is associated with joy and merriment. Food can bring life to any dull moment, is related to have therapeutic effects and turn on the dullest moods. To get the best of food, any meal it has to be properly cooked and prepared for flavors and for nutrition.

For the preparation of food to bring out best flavors, cooking appliance is needed and a fuel on which the appliance works. The evolution of mankind from prehistoric times to modern age has been in stages; nomadic life turned in to settlements the discovery of fire, development of agricultural practices, and invention of metals and thus use of tools for occupation, protection. As use of metals became widespread, it led to learning more skills and thus varied occupations. This led to classification of the society on the basis of occupations which made the society and lives of people rich.

The industrial revolution in Europe in the 16th century led to establishment of small and medium size industries, which gave employment to a large population for operating machines. As industries grew, machines were used to create products which could further automate processes or could bring efficiency, productivity in everyday lives. Automobiles, air-crafts or other modes of transport are a perfect example to demonstrate how industrial revolution has been beneficial to our lives.

In any industry, the machinery has to be supplied with energy to operate. The earliest form of supplying energy was coal, wood which gave the thrust to operate engines, assembly for the machinery. The use of these traditional fuels needed extremely large amounts of the fuel and manpower to operate the machines. The main use of traditional fuels such as hydrocarbons has been for generating electricity which is essential for any industry. The assembly unit for any process or production needs energy which is usually in the form of electricity to operate the machinery.

The industrial revolution led to the development, production of commodities for consumer use. It included consumer goods for everyday use which increased efficiency in everyday processes. One of the reasons for advancement of society was use of electricity and electrical appliances which made processes faster and increased productivity. The use of electricity led to the development of electrical appliances the earliest being transistors, iron and other products of domestic use.

The cooking appliance which was powered by electricity was also a development of the industrial age. One of the earliest means of cooking was stoves made of mud, clay which used wood or charcoal for fuel. Since use of wood, charcoal caused pollution and was not energy efficient it led to the use of electricity and cooking gas as fuels. The use of electricity and gas needed special equipment on which these fuels could burn. One of the earliest stoves, cooking appliance was the hot plates which used either gas or electricity as fuel.

A hot plate is usually a table top appliance, which has either one or more gas burners or electric heating elements. The hot plate can either be a standalone device, or sometimes comes in place of a gas burner in a cooking range or a stove top. Hotplates are most used in place where a full cooking range is not possible, as hotplates are handy enough to be moved around. Most of the hotplates that are used in current times are powered by electricity, but the earliest used in 19th and 20th century were usually powered by gas